An Interview with Richard Lange

An Interview with Richard Lange

I still remember walking into Barnes & Noble one Tuesday in 2007 and finding a small, unassuming hardcover story collection called Dead Boys. I’d never heard of the author—some serious-looking cat named Richard Lange—but the dust jacket boasted enticing...
An Interview with Brian Hodge

An Interview with Brian Hodge

I first became aware of Brian Hodge in the early 1990s, when I was working at a B. Dalton Bookseller in Fort Collins, Colorado. The Dell Abyss line of horror novels, under the direction of Bantam editor Jeanne Cavelos, had just started blowing up the genre, infusing...
Rediscovering Robert Leininger

Rediscovering Robert Leininger

If you’re a crime-fiction aficionado of any taste and distinction, you recognize Robert Leininger’s Killing Suki Flood (St. Martin’s) as a work of singular voice and power. It flashed like heat-lightning back in 1991, enlivening the genre with its neo-noir...