The Evolution of Dame Art

The Evolution of Dame Art

When I first began thinking of publishing The Naked Dame, I thought it would be a cool idea to produce a few hard copies in an actual pulpy paperback format. Wouldn’t it be great, I thought, to send self-produced paperback copies to prospective publishers? It would be...
Review: The Twenty-Year Death

Review: The Twenty-Year Death

Well, here’s a hell of thing. Ariel S. Winter and Hard Case Crime have really cranked out something special in Winter’s The Twenty-Year Death, a spectacular endeavor that combines three separate novels—and three distinct voices—to tell a story that spans three...
How DAME Entered the Ether

How DAME Entered the Ether

I’m new to the world of e-publishing. Truth be told, I tried only one avenue out there in the real publishing world: Hard Case Crime. I wrote The Naked Dame expressly for that fine paperback line of crime literature, and in my mind I never really thought about...