by Jason Bovberg | Oct 31, 2014 | Blog, Horror, Reviews
This October, I waded through scads of streamable Netflix horror flicks—sometimes watching two or three per day—in an effort to weed out some true gems. Most of these are indie films I’d never seen before, and some were re-appreciations of recent gems I’d already...
by Jason Bovberg | May 20, 2013 | Journalism
It’s interesting to fathom how far TV has come in the decades since its inception circa 1940. From furniture-based behemoth to portable lightweight, from black-and-white to color to 3D, from antenna to cable to digital streaming, from standard-definition 4:3 to...
by Jason Bovberg | Apr 17, 2013 | Journalism
Have you ever had that rather urgent feeling that you’ve had enough of cable (or dish) and just want to sever it from your life? The monthly bill is outrageously high, often upwards of $200, and with smartphone contract fees being this generation’s must-have monthly...