With thanks to Kirk Whitham at Still Flicks, here is the book trailer for Blood Red. Kirk created this over the period of a month and was very open to collaboration. He found innovative ways to avoid unnecessary costs, and he had some excellent ideas about enhancing the mood of the piece.
This was a fun effort. There was a photo shoot with my neighbor on a gorgeous Sunday morning, and there was another photo shoot involving the corpse that was hilarious for reasons that I won’t elaborate here. There were incredible successes with found images, and terrific free music tracks to be sifted through. And a final brainstorming session brought everything together. It came out great.
As a marketing piece, who knows how successful it will be? There’s really no way to tell. But might as well try every damn thing I can think of.
I highly recommend Kirk’s services to anyone looking to create a book trailer. He’s got his head in the right place. So check out Still Flicks. Then buy my book.