Let it be heard ’round the world that the first official Blood Red review has been unleashed onto the Interwebs, and it is from Josh Black at Hellnotes. It is a very favorable review, and I’m quite proud of it. Here’s an excerpt and a link to the full review.

Much has been done with zombies over the past decade or so. Their resurgence and subsequent explosion in popularity has left fans satiated, to say the least. So many zombie stories are out there, across so many types of mediums, that it can be difficult to find a gem that takes conventions and drags them outside the box. Jason Bovberg’s Blood Red is one such gem.

Blood Red, the first volume of a projected trilogy, follows 19-year-old Rachel through a world that’s been suddenly thrown into disarray. She awakens to find that nearly everyone in her town seems to be dead, a strange and harmful red glow emanating from their heads. After this debilitating discovery, she sets out to find her missing father and to piece together what’s truly going on.

Read the full review at Hellnotes!